Why Search Engine Rankings Actually Matter

Seo blogs

Did you know that when Google was still a research project, its founders actually used LEGO bricks to create a storage compartment for the 10 4-GB hard drives used in the testing of the PageRank algorithm? Google has come a long way since its inception, and today it is a huge part of internet marketing. Search engine rankings, and especially Google rankings, are important because people generally don’t scroll past the first page on search engine result pages. Therefore, if a company wants to do business, it needs to be among the first results on search engine rankings.

Since about 75 percent of internet search engine users don’t scroll past the first page of search results, it pays for companies to be on that first page if they want to make a lot of sales. Fortunately, there are search engine optimization companies that can provide vital online marketing solutions which improve the rankings of their clients on search engine result pages.

One of the most important things SEO companies work with is mobile device optimization. In 2012, over 70 million people shopped using a mobile device or smartphone, and today, about 65 percent of mobile internet users rely on their smartphone or tablet to find a local business in order to make a purchase. All in all, companies that invest in SEO services are wise, because search engine optimization truly makes a difference in driving business towards companies who rely on said services.